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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

4 participants

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  Invité Mer 26 Juin - 19:48

Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Case10

thanks for your answer or idea.


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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  Admin Mer 26 Juin - 20:40

It says 1929 00 42 but I know nothing about cases. The only thing I know is that I'd love to play a 1929 00 42 !



Messages : 2787
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2008

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  MorHaGuit Jeu 27 Juin - 7:10

I have got a National case, it's the same.


Messages : 103
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2011

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  Invité Sam 29 Juin - 19:36

Admin a écrit:It says 1929 00 42 but I know nothing about cases. The only thing I know is that I'd love to play a 1929 00 42 !


and then about the guitar, how can i check if it's the original bridge + bridge plate? :


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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  Admin Sam 29 Juin - 20:18

For the bridge you need a well trained expert eye and for the bridge plate you need a picture of it. it's easier to see if it's original. If you post the pictures we'll do our best to help you.



Messages : 2787
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2008

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  MICHEL WALIGORA Dim 30 Juin - 17:48

It's a 1931, 1932 size R Martin carved top guitar case.

Messages : 3723
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 73
Localisation : Au fond de la classe près du radiateur

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  Invité Lun 7 Oct - 17:53

Sure? that could explain the belly bridge so...Martin (harptone) cases were different before 1930?


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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  MICHEL WALIGORA Lun 7 Oct - 19:42


Messages : 3723
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 73
Localisation : Au fond de la classe près du radiateur

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

Message  Jo Guitar Dim 20 Oct - 13:42


These old boxes are often heavier than the 533-E model.
If you do not practice bodybuilding, you will not go beyond three hundred meters up!
This is simply an additional burden for weight training.

Jo Guitar
Jo Guitar

Messages : 1093
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2011
Age : 71
Localisation : Derrière une guitare

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Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case? Empty Re: Is it a Gibson case, or a MArtin case?

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