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Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story.

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Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story. Empty Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story.

Message  Invité Sam 19 Oct 2013, 23:15

Hi fellows,

please read this post, does anyone heard of these picks before?


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Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story. Empty Re: Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story.

Message  franck83 Sam 19 Oct 2013, 23:39

I'm used this pick last years.
I don,t like it .
I'm prefere the Fred Kelly....Embarassed


Messages : 1990
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2010
Age : 77
Localisation : TOULON

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Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story. Empty Re: Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story.

Message  Invité Dim 20 Oct 2013, 15:15

These picks i'm talking haven't been produced since 1979....

The ones looking like tears will be back in production soon, i used the vintage ones and forgot the BChip ones then...Arrow 


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Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story. Empty Re: Vintage Guitar Picks And Things...Herco 'Axe-Handlers' vintage picks : the Story.

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