Reedition de la dread 12 cases Rio / adirondack de Norman Blake par Pre*war guitars.
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Reedition de la dread 12 cases Rio / adirondack de Norman Blake par Pre*war guitars.
Dernière édition par Coriolan92 le Mar 15 Nov - 19:39, édité 1 fois (Raison : Insertion des vidéos)
Coriolan92 et didier13 aiment ce message
Re: Reedition de la dread 12 cases Rio / adirondack de Norman Blake par Pre*war guitars.
Excellent documentaire!
Coriolan92- Messages : 5396
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008
Age : 73
Localisation : 92 et 35
Re: Reedition de la dread 12 cases Rio / adirondack de Norman Blake par Pre*war guitars.
ach, ils sont moins forts chez Santa Cruz pour la com, mais le bonhomme de référence reste le même.
La Prewar n'a pas beaucoup de vernis....
"Legendary artist and first call session ace, Norman Blake, has long appreciated the power and sensitivity of the original dreadnought design with 12 frets clear of the body. SCGC’s prototype D-12 Model was commissioned to showcase Norman’s playing style by adding clarity and sustain for an articulate response to the flat pick. Building a guitar with 12 frets clear of the body creates more air volume, which allows greater amplitude and sustain. The hand tuned X-bracing ensures an increased bass response, while the top voicing and 4-1/4 inch sound hole size combine to achieve great presence in all ranges. This eliminates the tendency of the traditional dreadnought towards boominess at the expense of midrange and treble. The controlled integrity of Mahogany sides and back impart clarity and definition to the guitar’s complex acoustic presence. The D-12’s sheer volume, complexity, and incredible sustain make it a truly inspiring stage partner"
La Prewar n'a pas beaucoup de vernis....
"Legendary artist and first call session ace, Norman Blake, has long appreciated the power and sensitivity of the original dreadnought design with 12 frets clear of the body. SCGC’s prototype D-12 Model was commissioned to showcase Norman’s playing style by adding clarity and sustain for an articulate response to the flat pick. Building a guitar with 12 frets clear of the body creates more air volume, which allows greater amplitude and sustain. The hand tuned X-bracing ensures an increased bass response, while the top voicing and 4-1/4 inch sound hole size combine to achieve great presence in all ranges. This eliminates the tendency of the traditional dreadnought towards boominess at the expense of midrange and treble. The controlled integrity of Mahogany sides and back impart clarity and definition to the guitar’s complex acoustic presence. The D-12’s sheer volume, complexity, and incredible sustain make it a truly inspiring stage partner"
JEFF- Messages : 3107
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2009
Age : 66
Localisation : entre le soleil et le crachin
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