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Chez Adam Berten

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Chez Adam Berten  Empty Chez Adam Berten

Message  remy Ven 9 Juin - 16:23

Johann Bucher (Vienna), early to mid 19th century.

This remarkable guitar was in the workshop for a thorough setup.
Made by the Viennese luthier Johann Bucher (1792-1856), student of Johann Stauffer. The latter is best known as the luthier where C.F. Martin was an apprentice before emigrating to New York City.

This guitar was originally fitted with gut strings and the top had a fan-bar pattern with six bars (The traces of glue are still visible).

Typical features that we also find on Stauffer guitars are the adjustable neck (with clock key) and a floating fretboard above the top.
Lower bout width is a whopping 17 1/8" (43.5 cm).
Scale length is 65cm.

Over the years, the top has been X-braced for use with steel strings.
The guitar is a real workhorse that is played daily by the current owner, not surprising because the sound is phenomenal!

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im151

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im152

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im153

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im154

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im155

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im156

Chez Adam Berten  Fb_im157

Jean-Marie Fouilleul n° 425,500, 500/68
OM Thomas Fejoz n°102

Messages : 5221
Date d'inscription : 28/09/2008
Age : 69
Localisation : 94 et 64

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