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Olcott-Bickord guitars

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Olcott-Bickord guitars Empty Olcott-Bickord guitars

Message  Invité Mer 16 Jan - 7:57

Ce matin, au réveil, j'ai vu ça...d'un mail reçu de San Diego..., on me dit que c'est une 2-44, qu'il n'y en a que 4 (??) quelle est l'histoire de ces guitares, les Olcott?

et le texte qui va avec...

In the photo Vahdah Olcott-Bickford is playing one of four Martin style 2-44s made in 1930.
That was the only guitar 1930 2-44 found until I found one a short while ago.
The one in the photo sold for 30K.
I would sell mine for 26K ...

Dernière édition par 14thfret le Mer 18 Déc - 22:01, édité 2 fois


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Olcott-Bickord guitars Empty Re: Olcott-Bickord guitars

Message  MICHEL WALIGORA Mer 16 Jan - 15:10

"Born Ethel Lucretia Olcott in Norwalk, Ohio, Vahdah Olcott-Bickford began the study of guitar at the age of eight and eventually studied with Manuel Ferrer (1828–1904). Ferrer was a distinguished guitarist in America. Vahdah was Ferrer's last student.
Vahdah moved to New York in 1914, where she became known through her concerts and teaching of the guitar. She lived for a time with the famous Vanderbilt family at Biltmore, and tutored both Mrs. Vanderbilt and her daughter, Cornelia. She also became involved with astrology, through which she gave herself the name Vahdah, by which she is commonly known.
In 1915, Vahdah met Myron Bickford (the organist, conductor, composer-musician, and instrumentalist par excellence), whom she married. In 1923, Vahdah and Zarh (Myron's astrological name) moved to Los Angeles. Vahdah was instrumental in founding the American Guitar Society in Los Angeles. Her dedication to the classical guitar in America was significant to repertoire. In fact, during her life, Vahdah collected music on a grand scale. Her library of sheet music is the stuff of legends. Vahdah died at the age of ninety-four in 1980. She was dedicated to the guitar until the very end."

Vahdah Olcott - Bickford est à l'origine du modèle 44. Elle voulait un instrument de qualité équivalente à un modèle 45 mais sans incrustations de nacre. Cela correspond à un modèle 28 avec des bindings en ivoire ou ivoroid et différents inserts de bois. Dans certaines guitares est indiqué "Soloist" sur le talon du manche. Eric Schoenberg s'en est inspiré pour réaliser ses modèles 28 "Soloist".
Seules 32 guitares furent construites dans ce style.
17 en taille O, 6 en OO, 2 en OO-44G (Gut), 4 en 2 et trois en OOO.

Vahdah Olcott-Bickford Soloist 0-44 1927 ou 1928

Olcott-Bickord guitars 1173011030


Messages : 3723
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2011
Age : 74
Localisation : Au fond de la classe près du radiateur

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